Gara Kogne Washing Station

Gara Kogne Washing Station






Kaffee details

  • Prozess:
    Methode zur Aufbereitung des Rohkaffees
  • Varietät:
    Kategorie der Bohnensorte
  • MASL:
    1945 - 2100
    Höhenlage des Anbaugebiets
  • Harvest:
    Zeitraum der Ernte

Testi Trading PLC is a family-owned company embedded at the origin to supply the specialty coffee industry with high-quality coffee beans. Mr. Faysel together with his family established Testi Trading PLC in 2009. The name ‘Testi’ means joy or Happiness in the Harrari language (it is also the name of Faysel’s middle son).

Testi coffee is focusing on quality and long-term relationships, as well as maximizing the potential of Ethiopian Coffee. Their focus is to work with their supply chain of smallholder farms to improve their livelihoods and living conditions. Testi coffee independently own 3 farms and twenty washing stations in all specialty coffee growing regions.

Depulping process: initiated within 6 to 8 hours after harvesting the cherries from the coffee trees. To prevent further natural fermentation.Fermentation process: We ferment the coffee in a fermentation tank 36-48 hours to loosen the mucilage.Washing process: the coffee parchment is washed in the water Channel by the staff team members at the washing station, until mucilage is removed.The way to determine the outcome1. seeing the clarity of water. Though out the washing process the cloudy water is replaced until it’s resulted in clear transparent water.2. The sound difference when pushing & pulling the coffee parchment in the water channel. A slight traction noise is noticed in the process which indicates a near completion.3. As simple as checking manually to feel for the slim/mucilage.Drying process – once Fermentation & washing is complete we layout the parchment on raised African beds under a parabolic shade net for 5-7 days depending on weather conditions. Once the moisture content is at 11 to 12 percent it's then relocated to nearby warehouse for storage.


  • Free on truck:
    13,49 € / kg
    Farmpreis + Fracht / Zoll / Versicherung
  • Free on board:
    4,35 USD / lb
    Farmpreis + Kosten bis zur Verfrachtung
  • Farm gate (€):
    Direkter Verdienst der Farm (€)
  • Farm gate (loc.):
    Direkter Verdienst der Farm (lokale Währung)

Gara Kogne Washing Station


16,70 EUR
inkl. MwSt.
The Farm
Gara Kogne Washing Station

Sitting at an impressive 2,020 meters above sea level, Gara Kogne produces exceptional natural coffees. The washing station currently employs around 200 workers, who process some 1.5 million coffee cherries each year. During harvest, this freshly picked coffee cherry is delivered daily by some 1,000 independent outgrowers to the kebele of Refisa, where Gara Kogne is located.The majority of the families that contribute to this lot farm organically on tiny plots of land, which average just 2–5 hectares in size. Coffee is their main cash crop and grows alongside food crops of corn, grain and bananas, under the shade of native Birbira, Wanza, and Acacia trees. The average elevation of the farms in this region is very high – around 1,950–2,150m above sea level – and this, combined region’s cool temperatures, is ideal for the slow ripening of coffee cherries, leading to denser beans and a sweeter, more complex cup profile.

The Farm
Gara Kogne Washing Station

Sitting at an impressive 2,020 meters above sea level, Gara Kogne produces exceptional natural coffees. The washing station currently employs around 200 workers, who process some 1.5 million coffee cherries each year. During harvest, this freshly picked coffee cherry is delivered daily by some 1,000 independent outgrowers to the kebele of Refisa, where Gara Kogne is located.The majority of the families that contribute to this lot farm organically on tiny plots of land, which average just 2–5 hectares in size. Coffee is their main cash crop and grows alongside food crops of corn, grain and bananas, under the shade of native Birbira, Wanza, and Acacia trees. The average elevation of the farms in this region is very high – around 1,950–2,150m above sea level – and this, combined region’s cool temperatures, is ideal for the slow ripening of coffee cherries, leading to denser beans and a sweeter, more complex cup profile.



Coffee dripping through filter


  • Filter: z.B. Kalita
  • Kaffee: 15g
  • Mahlgrad: 24 Klicks (bei einer Commandante C40)
  • Wasser: 260 g (benutze möglichst weiches Wasser, wir empfehlen einen TDS von 85-100 ppm)
  • Temperatur: 93 - 96°C


1st Pour:  0:00 min —  35g

2nd Pour: 0:45 min — 120g

3rd Pour:  1:05 min — 190g

4th Pour:  1:45 min — 260g

Brühzeit:   2:20 - 2:45 min
Coffee brewed with Aeropress


  • Filter: Aeropress
  • Kaffee: 15g
  • Mahlgrad: 24 Klicks auf bei einer Commandante C40
  • Wasser: 230 g (benutze möglichst weiches Wasser, wir empfehlen einen TDS von 85-100 ppm)
  • Temperatur: 93 - 96°C


0:00 min —   50g
Drei mal umrühren

0:20 min — 230g
Setze den Plunger ein und ziehe ihn gleich nach oben um ein Vakuum zu erzeugen.

1:15 min  
Drücke den Plunger langsam bis 1:45 durch. (Wir empfehlen den Plunger nicht ganz durchzudrücken, da die letzen Reste eher bitter schmecken und so den Geschmack trüben.)