Yaye Washing Station
Yaye Washing Station
Kaffee details
- Prozess:NaturalMethode zur Aufbereitung des Rohkaffees
- Varietät:74110, 74158Kategorie der Bohnensorte
- MASL:1995 - 2230mHöhenlage des Anbaugebiets
- Harvest:2023Zeitraum der Ernte
Processing details - Natural
1. PresortingBefore receiving and weighing the coffee presented by small holders, Testi coffee team members carefully select only perfectly ripe cherries and removing the un-ripe cherries, over ripe and as well as numerous foreign material.
2. FloatingEven though the majority of the cherries are matured, some ripe cherries give a false appearance on the outside where they might look bright red. we determine the health by immersing the lot in a floating tank to differentiate the density of the cherries. healthy compact beans needed for specialty grade tends to sink and stay put while the imperfect cherries float.
3. DryingAfter the separation, we lay 25kg of quality cherries with a thickness of 5cm onto the dry African bed. where Testi's staff turns over the cherries 5 to 6 time's a day to make sure of an even sun exposure. once the pod reaches an adequate moisture level of 11% to 12% content which can be reached within 15 to 21 days depending on the weather condition. then we relocate the lot to the nearest warehouse for storage.
- Free on truck:17,20 €/kgFarmpreis + Fracht / Zoll / Versicherung
- Free on board:6.11 USD/lbFarmpreis + Kosten bis zur Verfrachtung
- Farm gate (€):Direkter Verdienst der Farm (€)
- Farm gate (loc.):Direkter Verdienst der Farm (lokale Währung)
Yaye Washing Station

Yaye is a privately-owned washing station that is located in the Arbegona woreda (administrative district) in Ethiopia’s Sidama zone. The washing station is found in the kebele (local village) of Chericho, and is one of twenty owned and managed by Testi Coffee, a family-owned company founded by Mr Faysel A. Yonis.
Sitting at 2,230m above sea level, Yaye produces exceptional washed, natural and special preparation lots. Built in 2021, the washing station is one of Testi’s premium sites, meaning it only accepts the highest quality cherry, and farmers receive added payments for those lots. Premium sites are selected for their regional characteristics (Yaye, for example, was built next to the Gelana River), as these can streamline processing and guarantee they only receive cherry from local farmers who grow coffee under exceptionally prodigious conditions.
During harvest, freshly picked coffee cherry is delivered daily by some 300 independent outgrowers from the kebeles surrounding the nearby Tulecha mountain. The majority of the families that contribute to this lot farm organically on tiny plots of land, which average just one hectare in size. Coffee is their main cash crop and grows alongside food crops of corn, grain and bananas, under the shade of native Birbira, Wanza, and Acacia trees. The average elevation of the farms in this region is very high – around 1,995–2,230m above sea level – and this, combined region’s cool temperatures, is ideal for the slow ripening of coffee cherries, leading to denser beans and a sweeter, more complex cup profile.

Yaye is a privately-owned washing station that is located in the Arbegona woreda (administrative district) in Ethiopia’s Sidama zone. The washing station is found in the kebele (local village) of Chericho, and is one of twenty owned and managed by Testi Coffee, a family-owned company founded by Mr Faysel A. Yonis.
Sitting at 2,230m above sea level, Yaye produces exceptional washed, natural and special preparation lots. Built in 2021, the washing station is one of Testi’s premium sites, meaning it only accepts the highest quality cherry, and farmers receive added payments for those lots. Premium sites are selected for their regional characteristics (Yaye, for example, was built next to the Gelana River), as these can streamline processing and guarantee they only receive cherry from local farmers who grow coffee under exceptionally prodigious conditions.
During harvest, freshly picked coffee cherry is delivered daily by some 300 independent outgrowers from the kebeles surrounding the nearby Tulecha mountain. The majority of the families that contribute to this lot farm organically on tiny plots of land, which average just one hectare in size. Coffee is their main cash crop and grows alongside food crops of corn, grain and bananas, under the shade of native Birbira, Wanza, and Acacia trees. The average elevation of the farms in this region is very high – around 1,995–2,230m above sea level – and this, combined region’s cool temperatures, is ideal for the slow ripening of coffee cherries, leading to denser beans and a sweeter, more complex cup profile.

- Filter: z.B. Kalita
- Kaffee: 15g
- Mahlgrad: 24 Klicks (bei einer Commandante C40)
- Wasser: 260 g (benutze möglichst weiches Wasser, wir empfehlen einen TDS von 85-100 ppm)
- Temperatur: 93 - 96°C
2nd Pour: 0:45 min — 120g
3rd Pour: 1:05 min — 190g
4th Pour: 1:45 min — 260g
Brühzeit: 2:20 - 2:45 min

- Filter: Aeropress
- Kaffee: 15g
- Mahlgrad: 24 Klicks auf bei einer Commandante C40
- Wasser: 230 g (benutze möglichst weiches Wasser, wir empfehlen einen TDS von 85-100 ppm)
- Temperatur: 93 - 96°C
Drei mal umrühren
0:20 min — 230g
Setze den Plunger ein und ziehe ihn gleich nach oben um ein Vakuum zu erzeugen.
1:15 min
Drücke den Plunger langsam bis 1:45 durch. (Wir empfehlen den Plunger nicht ganz durchzudrücken, da die letzen Reste eher bitter schmecken und so den Geschmack trüben.)